Friday, September 7, 2012

Facebook v Twitter

Personally, I love Facebook. I love how everything is consolidated into one spot. I am friends with almost everyone I know, and I can see all of their status updates, pictures, wallposts, and comments in one direct location. With Twitter, however, I feel as though we are moving away from this. I have a fraction of the amount of followers on twitter than I do on Facebook. For my closest friends, I have to check their twitter for their status updates, their instagram for their new pictures, and then their facebook to whatever they felt necessary to post. It is become confusing and overwhelming.

From a users perspective, I chose Facebook for almost all of my communication and pictures. To be honest, I never really think my thoughts are witty enough for this channel of media. I always hesitate before I tweet something, and never really retweet much unless it is Taylor Swift saying something funny. I think the main reason behind this is because my generation and my friends tend to use twitter differently than its ultimate purpose. Most of our accounts are private. We say stupid things while at the same time plan on getting a job when we graduate. We use twitter for a way to connect with our friends and see what they are doing at one time. From my experience, we don't really start up conversations with each other about issues or thoughts. As we grow older and start using the medium for the real reasons, I think we will start to get lost and not really know what to do. I only follow my close friends, a few news sources, and Taylor Swift.

However, even though we do use Twitter this way, it is still how I get a majority of my news. Especially when I'm at college, I feel as though I am living in a constant bubble and not getting much information expect from what my mom emails me. People are constantly posting ironic, cynical, and funny tweets about things that are happening everyday, which inspires me to google and look on to see what is going on. I definitely think the implications of Twitter help my generation to get more involved in the world and to see things from others perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps twitter will offer you a chance to learn how to stalk to strangers.
