Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who WE Are Actually Following

While reading my classmates blogs, I feel like I could pull the same idea from each of them. They feel as though following new people on twitter has allowed them to see and realize things they have never though of before, and they liked being removed from the 'Lehigh bubble.' This is a fact that I actually never really considered. While I am here I feel like I have no idea what is going on in the real world, aside from the occasional Jezebel articles my mom sends me. One student said that by following Lehigh Valley non profits and local organizations, she felt more connected to the community and had more of an idea what is going on outside of the occasional dinners in North Bethlehem (

Another point I found interesting was that Twitter is hard and challenging. One student said that it takes a lot of concentrated effort to decide which accounts to follow, and then which tweets to read when pouring through your ever changing feed. Twitter is supposed to help us see what is important and what people are talking about and put it in a condensed space, but at the same time sometimes this condensed space is way to cluttered (

A final blogger's post that I completely agreed with said that she could not decide which was better: following people you personally know, or following people everyone knows. This class has definitely opened my eyes to following new sources that I would have never considered following in the first place. However, I still love seeing what my friends are doing and where they are. I think that everyone should have what they think is a happy medium of people they follow. I think it is great to follow all of your friends, but sometimes it is better to reach outside your own personal bubble (

1 comment:

  1. You will eventually develop a system for managing your twitter engagement. It's more than reading (I hope) - it's ENGAGING conversation. Start taking a few leaps and reply to a post, or share one. See what happens.
